
The deepest love , after you back of "I love you "

Double love , I am still a novice !

Night, I put on their newly bought dress , it felt very good light ! The only shortcoming is not over the knee , this point in my father 's eyes been proved ! I've got high heels rotate in the house , the mood is not happy . Information to the Na said , " suffered a ' Jianguang Si ' , but also be three digits of my telephone bill for this month with an explanation ! " she said "Yes ah , how could so much ? "I say sensational " He would not , I wait for you to come back ! " She was just a shallow return to the " good " which I have a good answer ! Do not say anything , just like a firm answer ! My position has always been doomed to wait , so I always envied those free flying girls, I said nothing, just quietly watching them jump in the shadow daze ...
Talk about love when the South met with a person that is how a rare thing ! I just conceited or rash of waiting, waiting for hope that the day exhausted ! Love those beautiful ah , I never expect too , for fear of heart waves of Citeng ! See friends article , found that the deepest love is in the back of it after the words "I love you " , he more and more distant figure , bedazzled me after the distance, I said "I love you " The most pain is his heart has hidden words ! This state is difficult to it! Even if not difficult , I do not want to see , too hurt ! Each other when their favorite End of the World , one day , holding someone 's hand when wearing the commitment ring finger can only say to yourself, " I wish you ... happy ! " and then leave with a shambling figure , in fact, you forget Asked me "Do you love him you ?"...
Music at maximum , lonely , so what? I am not a prime of the little girl ... I can not evade the wanton张扬! How sad heart , tomorrow when you see me I am still laughing feels like a woman ! I only older women ... nice eyes disguised himself as if worldly look. Even if the dress itself looks the same as a beautiful butterfly , is also tempted to world affairs, there lies the mouth of a one paused, one by one self-deprecating smile , all declare that they have not done a good light and a woman , I changed the color , You do not need to see ! I can understand that , of course, I do not have too much to cover up ...
I said, I can go pull off ! Did not nostalgia , this old body to remain in their hearts the most secure ! Double love , I am still a novice ! So what, I'm a good girl ! Although only do the exterior look , but I still can not change the principle . Life time , what is it worthwhile ? However, if you are living it ... love me, how will I pretended to faint ? Goodbye, my passing ...

